So I am back and ready to hit the boards running. So remember me talking about the Diva Fit Health Fair I attended. Well I was more then disappointed when I realized how much weight I had honestly gained. I mean I think I knew it but didn't honestly want to face it.
Since then I have really changed my eating habits. I rarely eat fast food now and do a lot of cooking, I mean a lot! I still work long stupid hours but I have found a way that I think works for me and my husband. We currently eat a lot of chicken, which was something I was never a big fan of. But now after researching it, I have found a ton of recipes on sites such as Kraft Foods and Martha Stewart. I also bring my lunch to work just about 3-4 days a week and I eat breakfast. A breakfast which consists of oatmeal, or some raisin bran cereal. Fruit, or something to give me a kick start. I also now take a vitamin regularly and a cranberry pill 2 times a day.
This week, which is just about 4 weeks after the health fair, maybe even a little less, I finally starting going back to the gym. I am back to car pooling again with my husband for work, and I just decided why not, instead of sitting in the office hours before everyone else gets there, why not be productive. That productivity lead to 3 days in the gym. Running a mile or more on the eliptical trainer and also hitting the machines for abs and arms! I was so excited about the new routine, it carried over to having all of this extra energy at work.
Better yet, the last day I decided well it's been a minute since I have gotten on the scale, once for the health fair and then at my folks place (to dis lodge the dreaded number which had actually went up at their house). I decided to take the plunge! I lightly stepped on the scale and tried to smile and look away as the cleaning crew was buzzing around me. Finally when I peaked, I realized the number was lower then before! Hoorah! I have lost 8 pounds! I have 43 more to go to hit my goal of 50 by July!
The final weigh in for the Diva Fit competition will be in June for the "Big Event" which I am stoked for but also auditions for the Baltimore Blast Cheerleaders and hopefully back to dance this Spring and Summer!